How people and companies in Jena live interculturality
Every year, the i-work Business Award recognises companies in Jena that are exemplary in promoting intercultural openness in the business environment. The many practical examples from the i-work competition present the companies where integration succeeds in everyday working life and show how people at the workplace and beyond are committed to the cooperation of cultures. Would you like to learn more about how arriving in Jena and in your new job can be a success? Our blog series presents many interesting examples.

Lernen Sie hier Sait Birkan Mutluer kennen

Sait Birkan is originally from Turkey and now works as Software Developer at TD Software GmbH in Jena. He tells us how TD Software makes it easier for international employees to start their new job and settle in Jena.
How did you end up in Jena?
I found job ad on LinkedIn and read some comments about the city encourage me to apply for the job.
What do you like most about your work and your company?
The thing that I love about the company is, being member of an international team. Not only in the meetings even the labels in the kitchen are in English. Even many people from different origins you have a common. Friendly collogues and remote work opportunity are the other things that I love.
In my work I have feeling that my ideas are important, I could easily express my opinions. Moreover, I have the freedom under my responsibilities. I can schedule my program, If I got stuck I could easy create a meeting and ask for help.

What challenges were you faced with when you came to Jena / started in your company? How did you overcome these challenges?
We were thinking the challenge would be finding a house to live, it was a hard one but with corona, difficulty is doubled ( changing regulations, quarantine periods ) The company ( especially Julia ) helped us to get in touch with landlord also prepare required documents for her. Our house was ready before we arrive to Germany.
How did your company support you the most?
Especially house search process. In technical site, if we believe it will help us, we are free to integrate new technologies to the system or knowledge share meetings is so common
What are the biggest differences in everyday work and life between your home and Jena?
The meaning of distance, I was living in Istanbul – the city that has one of the worst traffic in Europe. Sometimes it took 30 min to move a couple of kilometres. In Jena, in 17 minutes, I could be at home, no need to rush. Tram/Bus are mainly on time. The best one is, the office is just heart of the city. It is so easy to grab a food, have a short walk if you get bored from work.

What is typically German / typically Jena for you?
German: Organised, The meetings starts exactly on time, if you have a “termin” it happens on time. Friendly, based on my 5 months experience, I had very good relation with people, if I pronounce something wrong in German they explain to me what is wrong. Smiley, at least my neighbours 🙂 They always have a smile on their face
Jena, University, Even I was not study in Jena, I feel like I am living in the university campus. Small City, Not as big as Berlin but it has many things to do
Thank you very much for the interview and all the best for your future in Jena!
TD Software GmbH: About us
We are experts in eSIM and blockchain technology and a strategic partner for sustainable and digital businesses. With state-of-the-art technologies, our team develops visions, thinks new ways, creates concepts, implements digital products and brings them to fruition. Since 2007, we have been developing digital services that revolutionise the world. Creativity, innovation, collaboration and our agile digital teamwork enable us to drive purposeful change. With over 45 employees and 12 years in business, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of services to build a digital business – from consulting and conception, development and design to support and marketing. Transparency, short communication channels and agile project management that doesn’t neglect the fun of work is what makes TDSoftware so successful.
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