Services for companies and organisations in Jena
Advice and support
Are you looking for new ways to recruit and retain qualified staff? Take advantage of our counselling services on the possibilities of recruiting skilled workers at home and abroad.
Individual counselling: Let us find out together how you can motivate and retain your team in the long term. We support you in the following areas, among others
- Recruiting and retaining skilled workers, with a focus on international professionals
● Visa, residence regulations
● Recognition procedures, qualification opportunities
- Integration of international professionals
● Onboarding in the company
● First steps in Jena
● Welcome service for international experts and managers
- Support for accompanying family members
- Language and integration courses
- Building and establishing a welcoming culture in the company
- Establishing contact with other counselling centres

Welcome service: Make it easier for your new international experts and managers to have a good start in Jena. During a 1.5-hour orientation tour on foot and by car, we introduce your candidates and their families to the city as a place to live and work. We tailor the welcome service to the needs of your new employees, accompany them to appointments with authorities if necessary, introduce them to Jena and answer individual questions about their new place of residence. Please contact us for an offer.
Exchange and networking
In the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, we can master the challenges with regard to the development of skilled workers in Jena. Discuss current topics in the Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers and enable your international employees to network with other professionals from all over the world in Jena.
Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers: The Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers brings together actors from business, science, local authorities and educational institutions from Jena and the region. Use the expertise of this network to recruit your professionals, and contribute to Jena’s strategy for increasing its professional workforce. Or get advice on other relevant networks.
International Club Jena (ICJ): This offer is intended especially for international employees and their relatives who want to make new contacts and share their experiences. Several times a year we offer family events for members, organise an ICJ lunch and a regulars’ table, the so called “Stammtisch”, and provide information about other offers in Jena.
Best practices and workshops
We spotlight good examples from Jena and the region and keep you informed on current topics with regard to the recruitment of skilled workers.
i-work Business Award: The intercultural business award for Jena and the region. Learn about best practice for successful internationalisation of your business or company, and become a role model for other enterprises.
Impulse speeches and workshops: We offer formats in which you can obtain information and further training on various topics, including for example on
- Successfully recruiting and retaining international professionals
- Diversity in SMEs
You can find current dates in our calendar of events. Are you interested in a specific topic in the areas of (international) recruitment, attracting and retaining professionals? We would be happy to work with you on further ideas, please contact us!