The nationwide 12th Diversity Day will take place this year on 28/05/2024. In Jena, it will be celebrated for the 11th time with various program points, hands-on activities and a colorful stage program. We’ll be there too!

What exactly is Diversity Day?
The Diversity Day is an annual day of action to promote diversity and inclusion in organizations. It was initiated by Charta der Vielfalt e.V..
The national day of action offers organizations an opportunity to actively address the topic and demonstrate their commitment to a working world without discrimination. Its aim is to raise awareness of diversity, reduce prejudices and strengthen inclusive working environments.
The day was first launched in 2012 and has since been held every year in May during European Diversity Month. On this day, organizations have the opportunity to carry out various activities to highlight the importance of diversity, from workshops to interactive events.
Why are we at the Welcome Center Jena taking part in Diversity Day?
We are taking part because we still do not live in a society with equal rights and discrimination on the basis of origin, gender and age, for example, continues to occur. That’s why it is important to draw attention to the potential that diversity entails, both on Diversity Day but also throughout the year. It is about appreciating and recognizing all people and discovering commonalities. With our work, we want to help break down barriers so that everyone has fair opportunities and can use their potential.
Our offer for the Diversity Day…
On Diversity Day in Jena, we are offering a quiz for all citizens, which will be available in different levels of difficulty and in an English-language version. Our quiz is suitable for everyone between the ages of 7 and 99 and offers the chance to win small prizes. It’s worth coming along: spin the diversity wheel of fortune, test your knowledge on the topic of diversity in Jena and have a guess!

Our offer for all days…
At the Welcome Center Jena, we advise international skilled workers and support them in arriving in Jena.
Our focus is on:
- Visa / residence,
- job search,
- job application,
- industries,
- language courses,
- family,
- leisure time.
We also advise companies in Jena on recruiting and maintaining international skilled workers, as well as on the integration of foreign skilled workers. Our advisory services are complemented by workshops and events on the subject of living and working in Jena.
Here you can find more information about this year’s Diversity Day in Jena: